DJ Euphonik Shares An Uplifting massage To DJ Fresh Amid Getting Fired “They Think They Are Breaking You”

DJ Euphonik Shares An Uplifting massage To DJ Fresh Amid Getting Fired “They Think They Are Breaking You” – Now, it is official his contract has been terminated, the SABC has released a statement giving a green light, confirming his no longer part of the Metro Fm radio station.
DJ Fresh responded on Monday, the 8th of July 2019, to the claims that he refuses to apologise for his usage of foul language on air, asserted he apologised two weeks ago. In addition, the barrier in the argument was that the broadcaster was now prohibiting him to go back to his radio slot, exceeding the prescribed time that was set.
Now, Euphonik ushered to social media to submit to Fresh his support and provide upliftment.
When you observe the tweet post directed to Fresh, Euphonik state Fresh’s adversary is attempting to disintegrate him, although, they will conclude to no success.
“They think they’re breaking you down but don’t realise they are only making you stronger,” he wrote.

So, the statement has been released by the SABC on Tuesday, the 9th of July 2019, explicating that they have concluded to let the DJ go after “unsuccessful engagements” and DJ Fresh’s behaviour in escorting the broadcaster into disgrace.
Written by: Aphiwe Theodorah Mvinjelwa