Mampinstha’s Team Looks To Rectify Their Errors With Ntando

Mampinstha’s Team Looks To Rectify Their Errors With Ntando – It looks like we nearly had another Zahara saga, although it seems not to have a similar impact, I do not know if you can recall the time Ntando Duma impeached West Ink of her returns in cash that has not yet being paid to her after her work with Babes Wodumo.
She attributed on a song “Jiva Phez’kombhede” by Babes Wodumo. She retaliated opposing Mampintsha mourning that she has not received what belongs to her as an artist for her contribution to the track.
“At the moment I am not aware of such a debt, as I haven’t been Mampintsha’s manager for that long a period. I will however investigate and also talk to Mampintsha about it. If there is indeed a debt to be paid, we will settle it,” Buthelezi revealed.
Although he seems adamant and assured the publication he will further investigate what transpired and rectify any miss understanding that has taken place, so, perhaps Ntando Duma will be paid her fraction, after all, stay tuned!
For interest sake, watch the video below:
Written by: Aphiwe Theodorah Mvinjelwa