YFM Radio Personality, DJ@Large Drops His Very First Single ‘Down Down’

YFM Radio Personality, Tshepo Kgapane also known as DJ@Large has officially released his very first single titled ‘Down Down’. A feel good song perfect for those who love hitting the dance floor. This single has been cooking for quite some time and has officially been served to the public with a hot African Up-tempo Beat perfect for Afro-Soul Music Fanatics.
DJ@Large is known as the voice behind the radio show ‘Stoep992’ on YFM as well as the face on Television show, Babize Bonke on Soweto TV, now the ambitious and determined Mogul in the Making now enters the Music Industry with ‘Down Down’ being his first offering alongside Producer, Vanco and Vocalist, KG Bones. The single has been play listed on a variety of Radio Stations and those who would like to request a DJ Pack, may do so by emailing: [email protected]
“I love playing good Afro-Soul Music in the Clubs when I get booked. This is the type of single you play when traveling home for Easter on the long road and something to keep handy in your car when you just need a feel-good song. This is my first official single but there will be plenty more released during the course of the year. 2017 is the year for all DJ@Large projects to #CatchFire.” Expresses DJ@Large