Thandiswa Mazwai On How She Deals With Fame

Thandiswa Mazwai On How She Deals With Fame. Being in the industry for over 2 decades can surely groom one into learning smart ways to deal with the media, Afro Pop star Thandiswa Mazwai is a good example of that.
She has been in the public eye for 22 years and has grown in all ways possible with people following up on her, Speaking to TshisaLIVE she has now revealed how she deals with the pressure from fame.
“People associate my work with their traditions and culture and maybe there isn’t enough of that in the music industry. The music industry does sometimes become a little poppy and more about the accumulation of things. My work is about memories and identity.When you are a musician creating any work‚ you don’t have a sense of what that work is going to become or achieve in your community. I have just had the blessing that my work has had some kind of resonance in my community,” said Mazwai.
She added that you can’t always live up to people’s expectations if you famous and further elaborated on what she considers successful on her side.
“You cannot want to live in other people’s expectations . Your only intention should be to tell your story and tell it authentically. That is the only culture an artist should have. I don’t have a desire for popularity or a desire for anything that people think identify you as a successful person. My success comes from finishing my work. So‚ as soon as I finish my work‚ I feel like I have succeeded. Anything that happens after that is out of my hands‚” she added.