Black Motion On Alleged Racist Attack On British Airways

Afro House duo group have spoken up about how they were ill-treated by an air hostess while in a business class British Airways in Johannesburg on Monday.
They were asked to move to an economy class so a white a woman whose seat was broken could occupy their seat. On top of that, they claimed they were told their tickets were worthless.
“The fact is that there were only two black people in economy and they were asked to move. When they asked why they were being chosen, they (the air hostess) told them their ticket was cheaper. We asked them why they were not accommodating us and they said they were doing so by putting us in economy,” said Black Motion’s road manager, Nicky Seema, who was also on the flight.
“They said that it was not about race but the truth is this only happened because they did not know they were Black Motion and they saw two boys and thought they could undermine them,” she added.
Speaking to TshisaLive the group members Thabo and Bongani stated that they are currently seeking Legal Advice in concern of their alleged racial incident.
In a statement to TshisaLIVE British Airways said it was investigating the incident.
“We have been made aware of this incident. Comair and British Airways will not tolerate racism. We regard these allegations as very serious and they thus warrant thorough investigation. We will establish what happened and take whatever action is required,” said Comair’s Shaun Pozyn.