“My music brings 80% of my income” says Euphonik

DJ and Businessman Themba Nkosi popularly known as DJ Euphonik revealed on his mentorship speech on reality TV show Vodacom NXT LVL that he makes most of his money from music.
He further advised the young musicians from the show that as much as it seems cool to be in music industry, you don’t remain cool forever. “When you are in the music business, you work in the business of being cool, and you won’t be cool forever,”
Even though the DJ makes most of his money from music he said that he plans to change all that.”I use my music to fund my property ambitions. So for me, currently my music brings 80% of my income and property 20%, but I am working on turning that around. It’s about always asking yourself ‘how will you sustain yourself when the coolness fades?” he said.
He said that young artists needed to learn lessons from both the highs and lows of the industry to carve out a successful career.”Even before social media, there is always an advantage and a disadvantage to everything. The trick is to ‘evolve or die’ because the environment is forever changing. Because everything you going to work on has its pros and cons,” he added.
Few months back he revealed his current business progression and his goals saying he is now working towards increasing his net-worth to $10 million in the next couple of years. “I’ve always loved business. I surround myself with people in the know so I can get advice from them. I run my business alone. I have no idea how much I have, but I am chasing to be worth $10 million dollars in the next couple of years,” he said.