Jack Parow Shares A Weed Smoking Incident That Got Him Fired
Parow says he once ate cookie weed so much he got F***ed

Musician Jack Parow reveals that he once smoked weed and ate it so much that it cost him his job and slept for hours. Speaking to Gareth Cliff on CliffCentral that he said he worked for the cemetery division in a city council and because it was so boring, he bought a weed cookie from a dealer on his lunch break.
“It was super horrible (the job) because I had to go through all these cards and figure out where there were still graves open and allocate them. It was so f***ing boring, I ended up smoking marijuana to kind of get through the day.”
He said he went to a dealer during his lunch break and the person happened to be selling cookies, something which made Jack nervous.
“You never know how strong it’s going to be. Then I ate it and got so f***ed that I fell asleep on my desk at one and my boss woke me up at five and fired me. I went home and slept from six until seven the next morning. It was literally the most f***ed I have ever been on weed in my entire life.”