Mampintsha Reveals More Details About His Relationship With Babes Wodumo
If this is yet another stunt...then SA should just ban the two.

Mampintsha Reveals More Details About His Relationship With Babes Wodumo. Following accusations that West Ink boss Mampintsha was abusing his partner Babes Wodumo, he has come forward to clear these claims implying that Masechaba Ndlovu (Metro FM presenter) cornered Babes to appear as the victim of abuse from Mampintsha during an interview on Metro FM the previous weekend.
The former Big Nuz member also requested to have an interview on the station to air out his views on the accusations he calls out to be nothing fabricated false.
“I would like to address this interview that happened with Babes (on Friday). First of all if you check properly, Babes wasn’t okay. I’m not sure if she knew what was going on because you could see that she’s shaking and all sorts of things. Anybody who knows her will know that she wasn’t fine.”
Mampintsha said he was shocked to hear about “broken legs”, “doctor’s letters” and abuse allegations.
“Everybody has problems in a relationship, even famous people who are in love.”
Babes and I come from far. People that truly follow us know that we have been together through a lot of things. I met her a long time ago and in fact I won’t even say I found her but rather that God gave her to me.”
Mampintsha also said he felt the “whole thing” was an ambush and perhaps part of a plan to tarnish his name.
“The defaming things that were said about me in my absence – because I respect Metro FM station and I know if they had said there’s something important that needs to be said with regard to Babes and I or our love I would have been there. What should have happened is they should have called me while she was in studio then. But from what I’ve seen it looks like she was ambushed because there’s a third party involved.”
“Even all this crying, Babes was not crying because of the said abuse. She was crying because of everything that was unfolding before her. Babes may be intelligent but she’s still very young.
“What Babes and I have is true love and I actually don’t think that anything will stop our love. Not friends or whatever will come between us. I love Babes a lot and she knows that. And, I will always guard her and protect her.”
The West Ink owner said contrary to popular belief even though he met Babes through his work he had no idea that she sang and danced. He said that wasn’t what attracted her to him. He said when Babes blew up; he continued to support her in every way possible.
“Since I started dating Babes, there have been a lot of fights and people against us. There were also things going on like crashing of cars, as people have always fought him for Babes. So I started fighting for Babes and our love for a long time.”