Stimela’s New Addition Sam Ndlovu Takes The Band To Greater Heights
Sam speaks of his replacement to the late Ray Phiri

Stimela is a legendary group that rose into fame in the 70’s and is still relevant to this day. The secret into keeping the flavour of their music tasteful is staying true to their style despite the ever changing world of music.
Although the band still consists of old members it opened a space for a new face and sound back in 2010 who goes by the name Sam Ndlovu.
Sam is now the frontman of the band and has announced that they will he releasing a new 10-track album titled Catch The Train.
“The title, Catch The Train, is exactly what Ray would have wanted, and that is what we have based it on,” he said.
“Ray would have wanted to show off and say, ‘Hey, I have left the band in capable hands and I have a legacy in them’.”
Ndlovu said he felt blessed to have been chosen by Phiri.
“We knew he wanted us to continue and to show that he has passed on the baton to the younger generation too. The worst I could do personally is fail his memory and the faith he had in me when he brought me into the band.”
Ndlovu said he had a lot of adjusting to do after Phiri’s passing.
“The most difficult thing was the fact that he stood on my right and I stood on his left when performing on stage. The first few shows we did without him I kept looking to my right and there was no one. It was only me.
Sam added how he was sure the album would be right up there with the best of Stimela.
“Stimela fans have been patiently waiting for this moment and we are more than thrilled at the milestone achieved,” he added.