Dr Winnie Mashaba Set To Be A Good Samaritan For Child Headed Families This Christmas

The veteran, AWARD-WINNING gospel singer Dr Winnie Mashaba was recently honoured with a Doctor of Philosophy in sacred music by Trinity International Bible University at Oasis Family Church in Port Elizabeth.
The gospel musician wants to the extent her hand and make a difference to those in need.
She unearthed that she desires to persist to grant more to Mzansi communities with the reasonable possessions that she has been blessed with.
Dr. Winnie ushered to twitter to enlighten her followers that, the hour has arrived for her to be a hero for child-headed families, we all desire a warm comfortable Christmas.
This is wat her caption had to say:
“This weather is speaking in tongues but the Dr must go and hustle for; Child headed families Orphans Needy people etc…so they can also have an awesome Christmas #evergreen #drwinniemashaba #daughterofzion @morereng.”