Music News

Joyous Celebration On Sbu Noah Quitting On The Group

Joyous Celebration slam rumours that Sbu is leaving

Joyous Celebration On Sbu Noah Quitting On The Group. Lately there have been rumours circulating of Joyous Celebration’s Sbu Noah of him leaving the group to be a solo artist.


Joyous Celebration co-founder Jabu Hlongwan clarified that Sbu is still with the group proving the claims to be false.


“The claims are not true. He is still with us and we are recording in Cape Town in December. ”

Jabu added that Sbu was recording a solo album but would be with the group the week following its release.

“We encourage artists to explore their music, even away from Joyous. A lot of our artists have released singles this year. They record while on Joyous. He is releasing his album but the next week we are recording Joyous Celebration 23.”

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