No more sleeping on Priddy Ugly.

Priddy Ugly took a stand, removed his grills and anything blinding him for his interview with the magazine {People Magazine,} shared details about his latest album. Deluxe album E.G.Y.P.Y. T that was released on the 24th of August 2018. This took place succeeding cutting ties with Ambitiouz Entertainment, his short timed record label. His album – Delux album was shared with the fans already belonging to his freshly established record label known as “Global African Sound” – GUESS, This album is a representation of his firstborn in the recorded company. Now, in the album, you will encounter the song named “Prayer” featuring the love of his life Bontle Modiselle.
Priddy Ugly has expressed a concern; he believes he is not receiving the reverence his creativity merits. Well, he is certainly not getting the recognition he seeks, but he believes it is not out of reach. When TshisaLIVE interviewed him, there was still mentioned of him being taken for granted; clearly this has been a hurdle for him in the industry. He states people have been nominative when it comes to what they applaud him for, although, he maintains he is not discouraged.
“People don’t realise that when I say I’m an artist it’s in various aspects of art.
“I conceptualise and design all of my artworks and imagery. We are responsible for the production and conceptualising all of our own videos. The record label does the shooting, editing and curating most of our social media content. We are in charge of the aesthetics, styling ourselves. I wrote all my own music and write for others too, so I’m more than just a rapper which people will catch on to eventually, so I’m not worried about that. Everything Godly Yearns Patience and Time.”
He cleared the air by stating his exit from the record label (Ambitiouz) resulted from no disputes, everything is transparent and pure; he just preferred to be an independent artist. At least, there is no drama concerning Ambitiouz this time, neither here nor there, moving on.
He states he is well received by fans in Milan, the UK, in the Philippines, our neighbouring countries. And the greatest part about moving solo is the freedom to work with whomever you please without being quarantined. He has vast freedom to create what he wills and drives himself to the mark of elevation he yearns. He is now experiencing a better relationship in all spheres and his work with his partner is a reflection. What more could he ask for when he gets the opportunity to work with the love of his life.
It has come to his attention that he has an enormous international following and has a game plan to use that to his advantage. How great.
“Through mediums like social media, I’ve discovered that a large portion of my fan base, people who engage with me, go onto my live’s (Insta/Facebook stories) and subscribe to my music isn’t from South Africa. I am well received by fans in Milan, the UK, in the Philippines, our neighbouring countries such as Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Tanzania and Nigeria. These highlights that the cross-country African & World Tour is possible for as long as we keep building.”
It looks like people will not be sleeping on him anymore, I am glad he decided to take a step to make the changes that will lead him to his desired destination.
Written by: Aphiwe Theodorah Mvinjelwa