Anatii Says, He Wishes Losing Weight Was As Easy As Gaining it

Anatii, real name Anathi Bhongo Mnyango Says, He Wishes Losing Weight Was As Easy As Gaining it. – Anatii the musician has been around the block for quite some time, known to be singer, songwriter, although he has changed his physical appearance over the years and we must admit he has really been looking good noways.
Well, he has recently shared on his social media the hardships of losing weight ” Wishes losing weight was as easy as gaining weight” the star exclaimed. And we all know how the ladies appreciate his looks, he is a good-looking fella and now he has a body to pair that with. He has stated in the past of his consciousness of his physical appearance, but according to him the challenge was his diet, he wanted to get rid of animal products and establish a new trend for himself by eating more fruits and vegetables.

Fans responded to his status, different responses from fans, some in agreement while others differed. I am sure everything is under control or maybe he is noticing something about himself on time, and he sees its easier to fall from the wagon than climbing, may he eradicate any set backs before it goes out of hand, we just love the new Anatti.

He has been out in the open concerning his journey of battling with weight but over the years he has shed pounds away. I just hope he is not going back to his old patterns and that he can continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle and most importantly look the way that gives him confidence.
Written by: Aphiwe Theodorah Mvinjelwa