Darkie Fiction Release’s A Track Titled “Abazali Bam”

Darkie Fiction Release’s A Track Titled “Abazali Bam” – The Darkie Fiction, encompassing Yoza Mnyanda and rapper Katt Daddy have been religiously releasing quality since their establishment in the music industry.
They have recently emancipated their contemporary song titled “Abazali Bam.” The title connotates parents. The track sends love to their parents. No matter how far you get in life, you always have to remember where you come from and what it took and who helped to get where you are in life.
They have created a distinct sound compared to what we are used to through their music. The duo has a different approach compared to “Selula and Bhoza.” Although it is intriguing and still works fused with an element of Afro Pop.
Written by: Aphiwe Theodorah Mvinjelwa