Busiswa Calls Out To SA Music Journalists To Document This Music Era From Their Own Original Perspective: Here’s Why

Busiswa Calls Out To SA Music Journalists To Document This Music Era From Their Own Original Perspective: Here’s Why – We have a predicament in South Africa, our difficulty is that we tend to be prohibited to narrate our own stories, either by financial constraints, lack of knowledge or the fear of doing the wrong thing.
Busiswa took to social media on the 8th of August 2019 to express her grievance of our own History of music being tainted and told from the wrong, unfactual perspective. She highlighted the imperfect solutions such as content-sharing agreements among journalists, emphasising that South Africa must set its own news agenda concerning our artists.

When you observe, you get to learn there are not sufficient funds allocated to South African journalism. An illustrative example: he agenda for South African news is decided in far-off Western capitals—London, Paris, New York—and narrated by dashing foreign correspondents who lack the comprehension of the local entanglements and construct their storyline on sweeping, misleading generalisations. Sometimes the reports are wrong or distorted.

Written by: Aphiwe Theodorah Mvinjelwa