Shekhinah Drops The Music Video Of Her Single, ‘Questions’

Shekhinah Drops The Music Video Of Her Single ‘Questions’. The talented singer and song writer, Shekhinah, drops the visual instalments of one of her loved singles titled Questions taken from her latest album ‘Trouble in Paradise’ which is out now, watch here.
Trouble in Paradise is a well-written tale of the rise and fall you experience when loving someone, being heartbroken, and then learning that you should have always loved yourself first. Questions explore different questions we all get when we start a new relationship and how sometimes it’s not easy to get into a new one after heartbreak because then you more careful and question everything and even make assumptions. The beautiful visuals take you through all the phases we go through in relationships, from spending time together, eating together, and doing all those fun activities as a couple.
Watch the Questions Music Video Here.
Didi Allie creatively captures and delivers the message of the single with an animation feel that shows off how it is easy to paint a love story and yet still have questions of how this dream can be perfect or not what you hoped it might be. Shekhinah’s 12-track body of work takes us through waves of pain, loss, recovery, and, finally, the acceptance of what her life has become.
As part of her music career highlight and achievement, Shekhinah managed to scoop two nominations for this year’s South African Music Awards (SAMA28) under two categories being ‘female artist of the year’ and one for her latest album Trouble in Paradise for ‘Best Pop Album’.