Watch! Brenda Mtambo Disagrees With A Local Pastor Who Believes “Musicians & Car Guards” At Church Should Be Treated As Equals

Watch! Brenda Mtambo Disagrees With A Local Pastor Who Believes “Musicians & Car Guards” At Church Are Equals – Her childhood days centred on academics as she claims to be an overachiever: always among the top 10 students in her grade.
This later translated into her enrolling at the University of KwaZulu-Natal to pursue a career in accounting.
She forged a solid career in soul music. After nine years of humble beginnings as a gospel singer, she has grown in stature and fame, and now has a new body of work, which is scheduled for release this year, that is totally different from her previous efforts.
Brenda Ntambo took to social media to share visuals of a local pastor and highlighted a controversial subject.
We have often come across churches which pay singers who take part in the praise and worship team. While this may sound noble, a lot of questions are being raised on the benefits of this move. Is it right for churches to pay their singers in the praise and worship team?
Well, this is an age-old question that has been answered by people in various ways depending on where they stand.
This is what she had to say:
I don’t sing at church or serve or anything. This however is disturbing me. Imagine the time and skill these musicians bring to be compared to car guards… don’t attack me but I disagree with all due respect.
I think paying musicians in the praise and worship team can turn out to be most odious venture that a church can embark on. This is because once you pay the church choir, what will stop other departments within the church from demanding their dues for the services they offer within the church?
The move will open the floodgates of demands of financial reward from almost everyone who takes part in any work and this can left the church reeling from financial woes.
What is your view, leave your comments below on how you perceive her outlook on musicians