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Watch! Concerned Oskido Raises An Important Question Around The #CoronaVirusOutbreak

Watch! Concerned Oskido Raises An Important Question Around The #CoronaVirusOutbreak – Rapidly rising caseloads alarm researchers, who fear the virus may make its way across the globe.

But scientists cannot yet predict how many deaths may result.

The Wuhan coronavirus spreading from China is now likely to become a pandemic that circles the globe, according to many of the world’s leading infectious disease experts.

The prospect is daunting. A pandemic — an ongoing epidemic on two or more continents — may well have global consequences, despite the extraordinary travel restrictions and quarantines now imposed by China and other countries, including the United States.

The effects of a pandemic would probably be harsher in some countries than in others. While the United States and other wealthy countries may be able to detect and quarantine the first carriers, countries with fragile health care systems will not. The virus has already reached Cambodia, India, Malaysia, Nepal, the Philippines and rural Russia.

Oskido is now concerned whether we have the capacity to deal with the virus once it lends in Africa, that is a good question. Of course, hoping that is never the case. May we never be inflicted with such for us as a continent to find out our capacity.

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