Watch! Prince Kaybee Shares A Beautiful Story Of How People Can Be Blinded By Greed

Watch! Prince Kaybee Shares A Beautiful Story Of How People Can Be Blinded By Greed – Because of money, their minds became clouded. They take shortcuts, enter the fast lane. Greed begets greed. Killing begets more killings.
Prince Kaybee took to social media on the 16th of September 2019 to share animated visuals of tow participants digging for treasure. One is digging to a plethora of riches but has no idea of what lies ahead. The other finds the one treasure , sooner than the other, only to be betrayed. Only to be backstabbed and destroyed for not being content.
What is the lesson that we can all learn from this scenario?
This is the standard of human beings who lack principles and good upbringing. They lose themselves in their haste to enrich themselves.
Can wealth really provide happiness? Is cash really king? Definitely not. The wealthier you are, the more famous you become, the more eyes will focus on your movements.
I mean you could take one wrong step, and it is over. We need to learn to focus on what you are doing, harnessing our skills and pushing forward until we reach our own prescribed destination. Don’t worry about the next person.
Written by: Aphiwe Theodorah Mvinjelwa