Thembi Seete shares her “Most SA Treasured Celebrity Encounters”

Thembi Seete opens up about her Most SA Treasured Celebrity Encounters whilst doing the press run for the visit to Moriting Primary School where she donate 1000 school shoes and Krush Goodness.Do you remember any encounters with a local celebrity when you were younger? What memory sticks out the most for you and why?
My first encounter with the late “Ma Brr ” (Brenda Fassie) has to be one of my most treasured celebrity encounters. She just had a way with people. She shared herself with others and gave her time generously. When I was 12 years old she gave me her full attention. I remember looking straight into her eyes as she held tightly to my face and said “You are going to be one of the BIGGEST super stars one day. You are a beautiful young girl with so much glow, but you have to finish school first”. I remember just jumping on her after those words. That is who she was, she was love. Years after that Boom Shaka happened and today I am thankful for her words because I am still living in what she said.
What is the one piece of advice you have for young fans of yours?
Always stay hungry. Isolation, laziness or staying indoors will not get you to where hard work and taking the risk will. As the saying goes: “hard work pays”. I can truly attest to this as I have seen it in my own life. It is only when we go for what we want, put in the extra effort, feed into our dreams and work vigorously towards our goals, that things start to happen. One day it will all pay off.
What does the rest of 2019 hold for you?
At the start of 2018 I declared that it would be an eventful year and indeed it was such an eventful year. A year of so many blessings and cherish able moments. Again, I speak the same words into 2019. It is going to be an eventful year. Each month will come with something amazing. I am speaking it into existence.