Here’s How L’vovo Plans To Celebrate Taxi Drivers
L’vovo on the idea of celebrating Taxi drivers.

Here’s How L’vovo Plans To Celebrate Taxi Drivers. Few weeks ago Zuluboy announced that he will be establishing bathing soap to be used especially by Taxi drivers, now it is L’vovo who has come up with an initiative to celebrate Taxi Drivers which he stated how the society doesn’t appreciate them.
Taking to twitter to explain Lvovo stated how the idea of celebrating the drivers hit him. He said he reflected on how kwaito and gqom music became popular, and the first people who came to his mind were taxis drivers.
“Taxis drivers are the family members we take for granted but always support us even when no one wants to support us. When everyone was skeptical about this new sound called Durban kwaito music (DKM), taxis drivers took pride n blazed it till people loved it.”
Lvovo said that taxis drivers haven’t been given a single ‘thank you’ for their contribution.
“Siyabonga for helping us influence people with something new when radio or TV refused to take a gamble. All we see in taxis drivers are people who block the way in traffic or bad drivers.”
Lvovo said he hoped that the braai on August 16 will help show their gratitude.