RVLTN – Chapter 3: The Price Of Freedom Releasing 11th September 2020!
RVLTN – Chapter 3: The Price Of Freedom Releasing 11th September 2020! Bobby’s ongoing story is a testament to the tenacity necessary to pursue and actualize one’s desires.
From a city where creatives of color often suffer from what is mutually considered a cultural glass ceiling; where artists of every discipline are often lured by the promises and confidences of places like New York or Los Angeles or Atlanta where the blueprint has long been established and therefore more certain than these native but untested waters; where there are no satellites, outposts or industry insiders to report on the cultural richness breaking through cracks in the concrete, only scavengers with the scent of our sauce seeping from screen doors, filling heads and inspiring hooks, songs and dance moves FROM here, everywhere.
”Black Americans deserve reparations. We must continue to fight for what is rightfully ours. With that being said… It’s important for us to realize that we cannot WAIT for assistance. We must do for self and not rely on a broken system to fix anything for us. We will depend on each other for information and resources. Welcome to the 3rd chapter of RVLTN. You can listen to “Reparations” from the link in my bio! Drop a “✊?” if you support the movement. #RVLTN #Reparations”