Late Lebo Mathosa Gets Honoured With A Posthumous Award
Late Lebo Mathosa Gets Honoured With A Posthumous Award. SA Popular Music Awards (Sapmas) has decided to honour the late Lebo Mthosa a posthumous award, an award which is granted after the recipient has died. This year’s awards are divided into two sections to honour posthumously and those who are still alive. The life time achievers will be celebrated at a gala dinner on the 24th of July; while the winners of the first annual Sapmas will be announced at the second main event at Sun Arena in Pretoria on the 31st of July.
Chairperson of the awards China Mpololo said: “When we were deciding to nominate lifetime achievers for some reason it was not a difficult process; it was clear and evident that each and every name that was submitted deserved to be there. It is quite sad that some for them are no longer with us. We decided to divide those sections into two by having those honoured posthumously and those who are still alive. We decided that we will have two sections of the ceremonies with another one focusing strictly on life time achievers.
Anyone is eligible to submit entries – from artists, recording companies and the public at large, and in order to qualify, a song or album must have been released between January 1 2010 and December 31 2020.. Entries for the awards are currently open and will close on April 25.
Sapmas head of communications Mathawe Matsapola said: “The aim of the first [edition] of the awards ceremony is to celebrate 10 years of great and popular music. Music still speaks to our people and will continue to speak for the voiceless, while shaping our cultural identity as a nation.”