Makhadzi Responds To Queen Lolly’s Statement Regarding Her Relationship With Master KG

Makhadzi responds to Queen Lolly’s statement regarding her relationship with Master KG. The singer and songwriter expressed her view on claims made by singer Queen Lolly regarding her relationship with music producer Master KG.
Makadzi took to social media to question Queen Lolly’s statement she made about having a nine year old child with Mkhadzi’s current boyfriend Master KG. Makhadzi and Master KG have been together for a couple of years. On the Omakhwapheni podcast, Queen Lolly shared that she has a nine year old with the music producer. Prior to that interview, she also shared that she was in a romantic relationship with Master KG for 3 years. The singer also shared that she was at loggerheads with Makhadzi due to her relationship with the music producer.
In her tweet, Makhadzi questioned how can the singer claim that she has a nine year old with the music producer, but had only been dating for 3 years. She shared how she feels Queen Lolly must heal and that she will not say much about the matter although she has her concerns. She shared that she will mind her business instead and focus on her new music.
“Maybe I don’t know maths, but how can you claim to know someone for 3 years and already you have a 9 years son together. Healing is a medicine. Let me eat my mukokoroshi, and play my new song Tshinitsini”, Makhadzi had tweeted.