Tipcee Conquers Another Crime Set Back

Tipcee Conquers Another Crime Set Back – GQOM star Tipcee has encountered two strikes of unfortunate instances.
Tipcee was allegedly assaulted and her car broken into.
The misfortunes took place within three months of each other, with the first one happening in March. Asked for comment, police spokesperson Colonel Thembeka Mbele confirmed both cases.
Mbele reports the 31-year-old singer’s assault charge had amounted in arrests. Although, police were still looking into the case of malicious damage to property opened by the singer (real name Thobeka Ndaba) at the Bayview Police Station, north of Durban.
Said Mbele: “A case of assault was opened at Umbilo Police Station for investigation after an incident that allegedly occurred on Helen Joseph Street on 4 March.