Poet Jessica Mbangeni Sets The Record Straight On Confusion About Her Priesthood

Poet Jessica Mbangeni Sets The Record Straight On Confusion About Her Priesthood – The prominent Poet Jessica Mbangeni has come forth to break the ice and rectify any perplexing standpoint of individuals that doubt her priesthood ordination, unearthing that she is a bishop and she will be officially ordained in the month of May.
The eminent poet had social media in a stance while she was dressed in apparel of priesthood at regalia at Ntate Richard Maponya’s funeral on Tuesday. Numerous social media active users cross-examined how or when she was ordained to her position and under who’s authority was that allowed.
Well, she spilt the tea on her calling at some stage in an interview with Newsroom Afrika, confirming her ordination as a priest and her upcoming consecration as a bishop.
“I’m a bishop-decide on. On the twenty-fourth of May is my consecration … I have already ordained a clergyman. So now I am heading to that (being a bishop),” she revealed.
Jessica explained she expected her consecration rite to be “presidential” due to the power she has.
She would now not reveal what church she become being consecrated in but stated she was a front runner of the community.
“I’m a bishop-elect. On the 24th of May is my consecration … I am already ordained a priest. So now I am heading to that (being a bishop),” she revealed.
Jessica explained she expected her consecration ceremony to be “presidential” because of the power she has.
She would not reveal what church she was being consecrated in but said she was a leader of the community. “What I have realised is that a bishop is not a bishop of a church but of a society, of the people.”