Be Part Of This Year’s Red Bull Culture Clash

Music lovers are invited to be part of one of the coolest music competition to ever exist in South Africa Red Bull Culture Clash, where artists of different genres will be sharing the mic and competing against each other along with their crews on stage. Basically, Red Bull Culture Clash is defined as an indoor sound clash event hosted by Red Bull power drink. Four crews compete in four or five rounds of genre-bending musical competition, with the winner decided by volume of crowd response. You can be part of the crowd that will be enjoying good music and deciding on who wins or lose.
This year the Culture Clash will be taking place on the 23rd of September 2017 in Orlando Stadium, Johannesburg. Four heavyweight artists and their crews will take to the stage to win the audience’s support and take the crown. You can expect to see
. Other featured acts will be killer dubs, special guest performers and plenty of surprises that will make the night the best you ever had.Read About The Rules Of The Competition Here
Get your ticket while there’s still time….To buy the ticket online follow this link