Music News

Jullian Gomes Shares A Touching Story About A Fan

Jullian Gomes shares a touching story he was told by a fan right before a performance. The 23-year-old has been invited to play at some of the most prestigious festivals in the country and on the continent.

Jullian’s music has been getting more and more recognized in the country. We can’t wait to see where he is going to take his career.

Jullian was told a story by one of his fans and he shared the story with us via his Instagram account.

“In all my years of being in music, I have never experienced anything like this moment that took place this past weekend. The story goes as follows:

It’s Friday night and 15min before my set and I need to get to the stage so I can setup and perform.
I start walking through the crowd, shaking hands and taking a few pictures. When a man approaches me, shakes my hand and says.
“Hi Mr Gomes, I sent you a message on Facebook.”
I replied.
“Sorry Brother, things have been crazy lately, I haven’t checked my Facebook messages in a while.” He answers.
“It’s all good, I just wanted to tell you… You saved my life.”.
So now I’m thinking… Cool, The man is just showing some love. I respect that.

He then goes on and repeats “You saved my life… look here.” He then pulls out his cellphone and shows me the message he had sent me.

In his message he explains to me he wanted to commit suicide and that on the day he was ready to commit suicide, that earlier in the day he was listening to some of my music and at the end of it he felt full of love and life. He then did not want commit suicide anymore he was in a better place after the music.

All of a sudden the music in the venue sounded a lot softer to me and I was really taken back by what this man had told me.
I pulled him aside and asked him if he was ok. He then told me why he was going through a rough time. His girlfriend was murdered, stabbed to death and it was to much for him to handle. I told him that I was so sorry to hear of this tragedy in his life and I encouraged him to stay strong, keep himself up. I told him that there will always be a higher incompressible power over him and that God would take care of him.
I sent him a Facebook message yesterday, just to touch base and see how he is doing.

I was really taken back by this event and admire the man for his courage. Sometimes I look up into the crowd and see so many people’s faces not knowing what really lies behind the faces. How many stories untold, how many people’s struggles hidden deep inside. I generally only want and wish the best for every single person and this is why I’m sharing this story. In order to bring hope.

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