J Something Gives A Lesson On How To Make A Song On Your Phone

J Something Gives A Lesson On How To Make A Song On Your Phone. Micasa’s lead vocalist J Something has been posting a series of episodes on Instagram, on amazing things you can do on a smartphone. In the 3rd episode the musician gives a lesson on how you can make an amazing song on your cell phone.
The smartphone which J Something has been promoting on his Insta TV is the Xiaomi Redmi Note 9S. He has been giving tips on how you can archive creative greatness just by using your cell phone. In the 1st episode he introduces his series of videos, in the second episode he gives lessons on Phoneography (phone photography).
In the latest 3rd episode the singer gives steps on how you can make a radio ready song using the Redmi Note 9S. He explains that it is possible to make a good song on this phone “because of the crazy processing power” and “incredible screen resolution” it has, all those aspects make it an incredible to create on.
The first step mentioned by J is that you first need a Digital Audio Work Station such as FL Studio Mobile, ZenBeats and BandLab. He then further elaborates on the steps of choosing genre and creating loops and melody. Then lastly recording vocals. He states that the phone he is using has great recording capabilities
Lastly he gave people advice to play around on their devices and that they must also use their creativity and determination to also create a great song. The series of videos he has created is to explore the Redmi Note 9S and to share those aspects with the public so that they can also go and but the amazing phone. More episodes are to be soon released.