DJ Zinhle Opens Up About Her Experiences Living With Pearl Thusi
DJ Zinhle Opens Up About Her Experiences Living With Pearl Thusi. DJ, Businesswoman and Mother of a 2 year old DJ Zinhle is currently living with her bestie Pearl Thusi while her house is under renovations. She has shared her expereinces of living with Pearl Thusi saying that it’s so much fun.
“We live in the same house. Two nannies, two babies and two working mothers. It is so much fun,” she told Tbo Touch on Touch HD this week. DJ Zinhle and Pearl have been friendship goals and envy for most people and living together just made their bond even more stronger. Zinhle said that another benefit of living with Pearl is that she has taught her a lot about motherhood since she has more experience.
“She is a better mother than me because she has more experience as a mom. She is teaching me a lot because sometimes I don’t understand what is happening with Kairo. I’m like, ‘Why is she screaming?’ And she will teaching me how to handle a situation”
She added that Pearl takes forever to get out of the house.”She takes forever to get out the house. You don’t understand. We will be like, ‘We’re leaving now’, and she’ll be like, ‘Okay, babe. Let me grab this’ and she’ll be on the phone, on the bed and I’m like, ‘I’m in the car waiting for you’ and she’ll be like, ‘ You didn’t say we were leaving,'” she explained.