Joyous Celebration’s Upcoming Recording Changes Venue

Joyous Celebration’s Upcoming Recording Changes Venue. Joyous Celebration Founder Lindelani Mkhize has announced a change of venue for their upcoming live recording due to unpleasant weather conditions. The recording has now been set to take place at Sandton Covention Centre.
“We would like to apologise for any inconvenience and disappointment this move may cause to our loyal fans and communities, but can assure you that the recording will be just as riveting, if not more so and we will do our best to facilitate all queries that may arise as a result of the change,” said Lindelani.
He further stated that the changes was to ensure the safety of fans. At first it was set to be an outdoor concert and was changed to an indoor. “We believe in ensuring the safety of our fans first. We wanted to bring our people a unique experience of “All for You” under the stars this year, unfortunately, due to the extreme weather conditions we’ve had to relook at our venue and the move to an indoor venue was unavoidable,” added Mkhize.
Those who already bought the tickets are safe, the only change is the venue.
Date: Saturday 9 December 2017
Venue: Sandton Convention Centre
Time: 20:00 and doors open at 1