Top 5 SA Musicians’ Hot News That Trended Most In 2018 So Far
List of 5 hot and juicy news that kept us super entertained in 2018 by far

Top 5 SA Musicians’ Hot News That Trended Most In 2018 So Far. 2018 is now on it’s second month but already a whole lot more has taken place in the lives of our favourite musicians who seem to make headlines for all sorts of reasons. The fact is if you a public figure, people are always watching you like a hawk waiting impatiently for you to do something that will present a side of you that they know less or nothing of.
One can gladly conclude that being a celebrity comes with a lot of pressure and stress, one wrong or unexpected move people make a mountain out of molehill about that and you trend. Black twitter is a mother of all wars World War ll has nothing on it, tweeps use all kinds of weapons to attack and it never simmers until the celeb under attack uses his/her voice as an armour.
On this list you find the news that trended most in 2018, the news that were most read and reacted on by fans about SA musicians. The news that were too juicy to not read.
Here’s a list of Top 5 SA Musicians’ Hot News That Trended Most In 2018 So Far :
- Chicco Thwala About Senzo Meyiwa’s Death
As much as Chicco wasn’t there in the night of an ordeal of Senzo’s death he has been making headlines like he was present, but who could blame his defence mechanism when he was accused a while back that it was his gun that shot Senzo. To clear his name he consulted police for a thorough ballistic investigation and it was ruled that it wasn’t his gun that killed Senzo. The case of Meyiwa’s death is still confusing since no one has been caught yet, Chicco Thwala’s son Longwe was the suspect so he presented his side of the story along with Zandi, Kelly Khumalo’s sister. The news made headlines a lot lately and until there’s a verdict, the news will forever trend.
- Loyiso Bala and Nakhane Toure on Inxebe The Wound Film
The film Inxeba caused a huge buzz amongst South Africans, some have even gone as far as taking legal actions against it. In spite of winning so many awards the film is still unacceptable to others in SA, Nakhane has shared his heartfelt views on the attacks and hatred of the film by some South Africans but he remained true to his self and said he will stand by what he feels is right by him despite the pressures of the society. Loyisa Bala on the other hand is one the few celebrities that commented on the Banning of the film saying that it disrespect Xhosa culture so it should be banned, tweeps attacked him like dogs on the leash saying he’s too much of a coconut to comment about cultural stuff, it was brutal.
3.Nadia Nakai’s image wearing no make-up
This is one is still trending like crazy and by the looks of things it’s going to take another celebrity flop to cover it up , Nadia fell victim to the savage of trolls that attacked her image not wearing make-up.
- Big Nuz Split
After fans have been asking for a while why Kwaito group Big Nuz hasn’t it been dropping some music Tira released a statement stating that the group does no longer work together like before. The three members now own their record labels Mampintsha and Danger also commented on the split stating that things just got sour so they decided to separate even though they not beefing.
- DJ Maphorisa on DJ Cleo
When Maphorisa revealed that he can never work with Cleo ever again it came as a shock knowing that he usually works with most artists. He said that Cleo treated him like sh*t when he needed his help.