DJ Tira’s Wife defends her man!

When the news surfaced of Mampintsha assaulting Babes Wodumo, people used social media to hold accountable DJ Tira; stating he acknowledged the apparent domestic abuse but became lip-lighted. They refer to him as an “abuse enabler” – stating he had the powers to help Babes Wodumo escape the situation. And his wife has come to his defence. She took to Instagram to express how she felt about the matter.
She revealed how disappointed she was with how the fans diverted from the “problem” or rather the perpetrator responsible for the conduct. Instead, the blame is put on @djtira for not giving the support to Babes Wodumo, he was apparently obligated to provide support prior to the outburst – according to fans. She highlighted the event that took place on Sunday; the domestic violence portrayed by Mampintsha and supports the call for justice to take place for Bongekile Simelane.
This is what she had to say – She told her fans how hurtful their comments have been towards her husband. – People need to stop throwing stones without information. “Ukuthi how u making this about Tira it’s amazing your comments alone are abusive for ppl who are saints , it’s such things that made babes go back previously cause she then was made to feel sorry via your backlash against Mampintsha / abuse is a sensitive issue also life threatening don’t focus on things or ppl who will delay actions that should be taken. #enoughisenough I’d also like to appeal to the police department to take abuse cases seriously our system has made women stay away from reporting these cases.,” – Gugu Khathi
She is a businesswoman and DJ Tira’s wife – Gugu Khathi was disturbed after they dragged her husband, it makes no sense to her, how the public has changed perspective to the matter. Mampintsha and Babes Wodumo are formerly connected to Tira’s record Label, Afrotainment. When the whole incident took place on Sunday; Tira started trending on social media, Twitter to be exact. This is heartbreaking to witness, the wife exclaimed. People are missing the bigger picture.
Tira has since then released a statement, rebuking any form of abuse.
“ He stated – I empathise with her, this is sad for Bongekile and any female should not have to experience such abuse. For those of you who know me, you know that I have never and would never enable abuse,” read part of the statement.” – DJ Tira
Written by: Aphiwe Theodorah Mvinjelwa