Lady Zamar’s “You Are My Sunshine” Reaches Major Milestone

Lady Zamar’s “You Are My Sunshine” Reaches A Major Milestone – Watch Lady Zamar Live Performance Of “Sunshine” @ The Nedbank Challenge Sunshine: She once mentioned she was extremely in love when I wrote Sunshine.
“When I fall in love… I fall in love!“
She dropped by East Coast Radio to have a chat with Darren to discuss her new solo album.
The last eight months have been characterised by a mixture of break-ups, make-ups, emotional rollercoasters, spirituality, and a lot of reflecting; themes and stories that play out in the album. Each track takes you on a journey articulating experiences we have all been through in some way or another.
She took to her Instagram on the 5th of January 2019 to share that her track “This is Love has gone Gold with multiple streams of about 2.8 million.