Watch! The Only Female Elvis Presley Tribute Performer Is In South Africa

Watch! The Only Female Elvis Presley Tribute Performer Is In South Africa. South African filmmaker Ari Kruger went around in 2010 filming a short doccie of a lady in South Africa who was able to be an Elvis tribute artist.
South African filmmaker Ari Kruger went around in 2010 filming a short doccie of a lady in South Africa who was able to be an Elvis tribute artist. Monique Castells, who is the lady being filmed, was an admin clerk for Media24. She also got the opportunity to be an act at the Elvis Festival Africa at Storms River.
Ari Kruger and Richard Aaron, the cameraperson, followed Monique for the story but the documentary was not released because of the music licensing problems. On Wednesday, Sketchbook Studios chose to publish the short documentary on the internet. “We decided to use the lockdown time to dust it off and release it online for the world and the Elvis fans to see. We hope that you enjoy it,” says the studio.
The filmmaker, Ari Kruger, and his wife and fellow filmmaker Julia Anastasopoulos are the team behind the creation of some of the loved characters such as Suzelle DIY. The short documentary got a lot of love from the viewers.
by Alexandra Ramaite