Music News

Ntsiki Mazwai Claims She Was Make-Up Free Before Alicia Keys

Ntsiki Mazwai Claims She Was Make-Up Free Before Alicia Keys – We have always known Ntsiki Mazwai to be at the opposite end of the weave and makeup movement; she has been vocal about it for years!

She must have forgotten or thought no one would pay attention when she shared an image of herself concealed in makeup. 

Twitter was not having it, most of the active users shared their thoughts on the poet’s image; calling her out for being a Pharisee. I mean you were expecting her to respond, right? And without fail she responded she ushered to Twitter on Wednesday to untangle the ropes of confusion concerning her make up screen look.

She elaborated stating makeup is to her a “Prop,” costume, and it serves as part of her job specification; as a Television Host she is obligated, she says. She maintains she has always revolted against makeup. She reffers to US singer, Alicia keys as the copy cat to her movement #MakeupFree.

One of the fans was confused, wanting to understanding why she has allowed such:

One of the fans was in agreement with@ntsikimazwai and showing an image of a beautiful baby to show how society is destroying our youth in how we are embracing European beauty standards.

“I have been famous before and wore make-up. Before Alicia keys, I rebelled against make-up. She followed. Because I felt my “beauty” was taking from my craft as a poet/musician. My new job is a tv gig – like an overall-make up is part of the costume,” Ntsiki insisted. 

The straight forward, candid Musician is not changing her statement about how she feels concerning weaves and makeup, even though she is wearing make-up for a Television Presenting Gig, take it as part of her costume not who she is, that is her concluding statement. We just love Ntsiki Mazwai.

Written by: Aphiwe Theodorah Mvinjelwa

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