SA Folk Songstress Jozia On Being Internationally Acclaimed

SA Folk Songstress Jozia On Being Internationally Acclaimed. It’s not everyday one comes across a youngster that takes an interest in folk music but Jozia proved to be one of the few that do and is best at singing it.
Her unique songs and musical skills has gained her international recognition that included a three months tour in North America last year where she shot two of her music videos.
“I’m going to join them again for a tour from Mexico to Colombia. I regularly go to Europe when I’m invited to perform or record. I’ve had my album release show in Zurich at a festival. In the past two years, I’ve been to Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, France, the USA, Mexico, Mauritius and Mozambique,” the dynamic artist said.
Locally she is not known by many but the music she makes is all about heritage and culture. The 24-year-old from Daveyton sings about the ancestors, lobola, village life, and she does so in Sepedi, isiZulu, isiXhosa, Tshivenda and English. Her songs introduce a new type of style it has a modern touch fused with an indigenous traditional feel.
Her music inspirations come from societal and personal experiences a good example is a song titled Mamokebe. “Mamokebe is somebody who’s isolated and alienated by normal society because she’s different, an outsider or a freak. That’s how I felt about myself in high school where I was bullied for being different. The music happens to me like a vision or dream. It comes as an overall idea of the song as if it were already recorded. I sing an a cappella melody for the guitar or the bass line and I produce the rhythm of the percussion with my hands,”said the singer in an interview with Channel24