Sho Madjozi Celebrates Her Birthday The African Way

Sho Madjozi Celebrates Her Birthday The African Way – Our Maya Christinah Xichavo Wegerif, prominently known by her stage name Sho Madjozi, is a South African rapper and poet.
Known for rapping in her native tongue Tsonga. We love it when our celebrities embrace their roots, Sho Madjozi is no alien for being unique, her cultural perspective sets her apart to distinction. She has always been vocal in her music, speech, and images how proud she is of who she is.
She took to social media on the 13th of May 2019 to circulate images of her and friends celebrating her birthday with friends, the food, fashion, setting, showing the richness of the African continent.

Now she celebrated her birthday with distinctions, her ways unconventional, her dinner at the Yeoville Dinner Club in Johannesburg. They had an African-influenced birthday banquet. The aesthetics and designs were creaming people of royal status and blood. She looked exquisite in the gold crown and matching garment. They even had the African beer.

Written by: Aphiwe Theodorah Mvinjelwa