Kabelo Mabalane & Danny K Continue To Unite South Africa Together

Kabelo Mabalane & Danny K Continue To Unite South Africa Together – Kabelo Mabalane and Danny K are persistent in uniting the people of South Africa together.
They comprehend the racial matters, concerns, cultural and gender bigotry we witness circulating our country. So, they saw an opportunity to rise and take action to assist and obliterate issues concerning that ordeal. They have done their research and have had help from psychologist and sociologist, this was mentioned by Danny K.
“Our friendship has prevailed for many years and we share the same values and passion for bringing change to our beautiful country. Over the years we have remained friends, and began SHOUT and the collaborative anthems with different artists. “We managed to build 12 libraries across the country with the proceeds, teaching kids in primary schools to read and write better,” Danny K said.
They have established a programme that tackles everyone, commencing from corporations to schools and NGOs into the idea that living with one another is possible. From the offices to the playground.
“We do it from a very personal perspective and reflect on our best practices as friends.” Danny K said even though they came from different backgrounds, the two had managed to use that to their benefit, sharing personal reflections and anecdotes, coupled with science to make the programme a success.”
Written by: Aphiwe Theodorah Mvinjelwa