Must Watch! Black Coffee Pays Tribute To The Late Victor Ntoni For His Help In Elevating His Career

Must Watch! Black Coffee Pays Tribute To The Late Victor Ntoni For His Help In Elevating His Career – Legendary jazz musician Victor Ntoni was known for his impeccable skills on bass, but more so for his composing and arranging of music.
Black Coffee is a multifaced creative, has long built a career with house music and a flitch of jazz. He’s always had a sound that’s equal part house and jazz. But nowhere was this expressed as beautifully than on “Wathula Nje,” which attributes the late Victor Ntoni.
With it’s a rubbery bass line, soft percussion and jazzy piano melodies, this single is classic and Black Coffee reminded us of its beauty. He would later go on to record a live version of the song which featured a 24-piece orchestra.
Ntoni discovered inspiration for his music and compositions from township culture; the corner street vocal groups and big bands who played at social gatherings and shebeens.
Watch the visuals below:
The Legend of Victor Ntoni and Africa Rising.
Africa Rising was one of the most special moments in my career to date. Seeing our country rally around this vision was a real blessing. Having some of the biggest legends from Africa be a part of it was more than an achievement…it was fulfillment. RIP Good Sir ??♥️
Written by: Aphiwe Theodorah Mvinjelwa