How SA Musicians Celebrated Their Mothers On Mothers Day

How SA Musicians Celebrated Their Mothers On Mothers Day – Mother’s day is a special day that helps us remember the special people in our lives, how they have been with us each day and never given up on us.
In South Africa mother’s day was on the 12th of May 2019, celebrities ushered to social media to show gratitude to their mothers, to appreciate motherhood, maternal bonds and their influence.
Celebrities such as Nhlanhla Nciza: “She taught me that “fear is not an option”. Soft and gentle yet fierce and strong when she needs to be. She is Love. She says she doesn’t care how old I am, in her eyes ill always and forever be her sweet little girl and I feel like it every time she’s around. I love you Mama, Mbokodo, Qhawe lama Qhawe❤️”
DJ Zinhle – Happy Mother’s Day mom. I love and thank God for you.
DJ Tira I got it from my mother ❤️ @abigailkhathi and @mo.nica5993 I love you both to the moon and back ❤️ Happy Mother’s Day
Amanda Black Happy Mother’s Day to our mommy!!! I’m not gonna write a whole essay, mommy we love you!! You are the strongest woman I know!! You have done so much for me, mostly things I don’t even know about! Thank you loving me and my little brother!!! Wenze kakuhle Mamfene!! I will spend my life trying to make sure you know how greatful I am, and hopefully make sure Mother’s Day is a daily thing!! Enkosi Mamfene!! ❤️❤️
Happy Mother’s to all the strong mama’s outchea!! I hope you know you are appreciated, special shout out to all the single mothers who love their kids and go over and above. You are superheroes!! ?? okay I did write a whole essay!! ???
DJ SHIMZA – Happy Mother’s Day to these SUPER MOTHERS in my life ❤
BLACK COFFE – Happy Birthday and Happy Mother’s day to our Queen Mother♥️
PRINCE KAYBEE – Yass wena ghel. #HappyMothersDay
️Vusi Nova Happy Mother’s Day Mandindi. Thank u for giving me life and for the man I am today! Your name will forever live on because of iimfundiso zakho. Love and miss u so much!?Gone too soon
Written by: Aphiwe Theodorah Mvinjelwa