Music News

Brendan On How His Journey To Music Began

Brendan makes new music.

Brendan On How His Journey To Music Began. The Idols SA season 9 finalist Brendan Praise has taken fans through his musical journey where he opened up about how he started this music thing which he seems to master beautifully.

Brenden took to Instagram revealing that it was moments with his father playing music with the family that sparked the fire in him to choose it as a career path.

“I remember sitting around the table, and my dad, he’d bring out this small little keyboard that he loved so dearly and he’d start to play. He couldn’t play much but he could play at least three or four cords, and within those three or four cords, he’d create a song and he’d start by humming and then he’d put words together and it would become an entire thing, and before you knew it, we were all singing it,and I remember thinking wow, this is magical, this is what I want and from that I knew this is my way of leaving my mark in the world, this is gonna be my voice” he said.

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