Black Coffee Speaks On Post-Apartheid South Africa Amidst Social Issues

Black Coffee Speaks On Post-Apartheid South Africa Amidst Social Issues. South Africans have been fighting through a lot of social issues in 2020 such as gender-based violence and police brutality.
South Africans have been fighting through a lot of social issues in 2020 such as gender-based violence and police brutality. Now, people are fighting against an advertisement from retailer Clicks that they deem as racist. The advert used a picture of an African ladies hair and called it dry and damaged, then called a white lady’s hair fine and flat.
The advertisement made rounds on the internet. On Monday, members of the Economic Freedom Fighters held demonstrations at Clicks branches nationwide. Social media users went on to lay out their frustrations against the advertisement, speaking about race and favour. Some black social media users stated that they will exit from supporting the retailer. Some also weighed on the actions that the Economic Freedom Fighters have chosen to take. Black Coffee also went in on the conversation, speaking about South Africa in the post-apartheid, saying how could people forgive a generation that didn’t apologise.
“How do we forgive a generation than never apologized,” says Black Coffee. The house music producer went on to share another post about a national apology to the Australian indigenous people for discriminations against them and policies against them. The apology was carried out by the Australian parliaments and law enforcement forces on behalf of those who came before them. “History shows us it is possible to ask for forgiveness and work on a way forward,” says Black Coffee.

by Alexandra Ramaite