Dumi Mkokstad & Thina Zungu On Their New Collaborative Album ‘Ebeke Walunga uThixo’
Dumi and Thina on their new album.

Highly celebrated local gospel stars Dumi Mkokstad and Thinah Zungu have finally dropped their anticipated album Ebeke Walunga uThixo which they wrote and produced.
The album consists of 15-tracks, saying they are breath-taking would be an understatement. On sales it has achieved gold status after selling more than 20000 copies.
“We did a song together and gospel fans loved it. They have been asking for this collaboration since then.
“From a business perspective, we thought a single wouldn’t work, so we decided on a full collaboration album.” Said Dumi Speaking to SundayWorld.
Zungu added that : “We are different brands but of the same calibre. We believe that, for us, collaborating will take both our careers to another level. It is not competition, it is about complementing each other.”
Zungu says that the album is different from their normal music style. To make sure the sound was unique, the duo used a different studio.
“Dumi is very strong on the spiritual side, and I am very strong on motivation.
“We combined the two different flavours to produce something unique.”
Zungu explains: “We are saying whatever you are facing at the moment will pass. Whenever we go through a situation in life we tend to doubt his power.
“We are saying if you count your blessings, you will realise that God has been good to you. Don’t give up now.”
Some songs were composed in collaboration with Mhlobo Wenene presenter Nomonde Vakalisa, and songwriter Senzo Khumalo.