Berita’s ‘Jikizinto’ Music Video Has Been Released And It Showcases African Designer Fashion

Berita’s ‘Jikizinto’ Music Video Has Been Released And It Showcases African Designer Fashion. Songstress Berita has released the music video of her recent single ‘Jikizinto’. The music video showcases works and fashion from a South African designer.

Berita has just released the music video of her single titled ‘Jikizinto’. the music video was released today on the 5th of August 2020. The artist has been long hinting ghat the music video was to be released as she changed her Twitter name to #JikizintoVideo.
‘Jikizinto’ was released in February 2020 and is from her latest album “Songs In The Key Of Love” which was also released in February 2020. The song is very popular in South African stations and has been charting at around spot number 6 for a while now. The song was also released shortly after she released ‘Ndicel’ikiss’ and ‘Siyathandanana’ featuring Amanda Black.
The music video is nothing short of artistic rigor and creativity. The video was shot under Level r lockdown restrictions in South Africa. The ‘Thandolwethu’ singer had shared a promotional video a day before the video was released. She then further shared and said ” We made it work with the limited resources we had. It truly takes a village”.
The 4 minute long music video features Berita singing her parts dressed in various different African designer attires and clothing. A green screen kaleidoscope effect is sued behind her with various African prints and patterns. She is also captured singing behind wine glasses and has a short where she is wearing an African print facial mask. The African designer attires are unique and unmissed. Berita has always been an artist to celebrate African and afro aesthetic and culture. The styling designer behind the attires and clothing is Eric Gyimah.
Watch Berita’s ‘Jikizinto’ Music Video Below: