Jesse Clegg Drops Highly Anticipated Music Video For His Latest Single

Jesse Clegg Drops Highly Anticipated Music Video For His Latest Single. South African singer and guitarist Jesse Clegg has dropped the music video for his summer banger, “Speed of Light”. The single was topping the charts since being released in October 2020. The video was shot in Cape Town City Centre, directed by Garth Von Glehn, which captures the essence of a local athlete, Chelsea-Sloan Samuels as she beats the odds to become the world champion
The lyrics of the song talk about how, “even at one’s lowest points, life can still hold some unexpected surprises”. The inspiring music video urges fans across the world to never give up, no matter how challenging the situation may seem at the time, that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Jesse took to social media to announce that the highly anticipated music video for “Speed Of Light” will be dropping on YouTube. “Super excited to announce that the music video for #SpeedOfLight will be dropping TOMORROW at 9am on my YouTube channel! Psyched to be able to finally share it with you! Keep an eye on my YouTube page,” captioned Jesse.
Speaking on the inspiration behind the music video, Jesse says: “The video tells the story of a young athlete from a challenging background who is passionate about running. The story follows her as she chases her dream of becoming a professional runner against all odds, pushing herself to her limits to reach her goal. This captures the idea of the song which is about finding meaning, love and passion in our darkest moments.”
Click on the video to watch the full the music video: