Prince Kaybee’s Post About His Girlfriend Leaves Twitter Confused

Prince Kaybee’s Post About His Girlfriend Leaves Twitter Confused! Fans didn’t know whether to stan or slam. Prince Kaybee got people talking again and this time, well, quite confusing for some twitter users. This come after Prince Kaybee posted a picture of his iPhone in an ice bucket while the screensaver is his girlfriend. Fans were left confused on whether to stan or slam.
Well, as the famous saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words”, well this picture did have more than one meaning to it. Posting a picture of his phone in a bucket of ice – while tweeps assume the meaning behind that could be that he is showing off that his phone is waterproof. However, his caption said the opposite.
The DJ took to social media to express the love he has for his girlfriend, he wrote: “Women take over everything, even your own Home Screen. Anyway let me put it on ice, its a hot Sunday. Enjoy yours.”
Fans had different things to say from laughing, to critics saying the DJ definitely loves to flex. Here are some of the reactions:
One fan wrote: “You and Zee are suited for each other.” Which proves the she knows who the girlfriend or rather the woman in the picture is. Kaybee and Zola revealed that they were head in love with each their last year with their #DefiningLove video. This comes after they both revealed that they have been dating for over a year; and Prince said his girlfriend Zola Mhlongo has made him understand himself better and he is not the same person he was before they started dating.