Details Inside! DJ Sbu Shares A List Of 15 Jobs That Will Disappear In The Next 20 Years & Urges People To Start Making Plans

Details Inside! DJ Sbu Shares A list Of 15 Jobs That Will Disappear In The Next 20 Years & Urges People To Start Making Plans – It has been a tough time, with people panicking concerning the latest retrenchment announcements.
The satellite network asserted that, although billions of rand in returns were reported for the 2018/2019 financial year, client, customer etiquette and data on their digital self-service reveals that there is a lower rank of a requirement for numerous call centre and walk-in centre agents on their roster.
These are indeed detrimental news that heavily affects South Africa’s economy, whose GDP retracted by more than 3% in the first half of the year.
Unemployment has already soared to 27.5%, not to mention 50% of the youth is resting in the absence of permanent employment. Ramaphosa reported in his State of the Nation address (SONA 2019) pledged to distribute a pragmatic alternative to eradicate unemployment — 200 000 jobs per year until 2029.
Sibusiso Leope, prominently known as DJ Sbu took to social media to share the companies listed that will undergo retrenchment. He further advanced by sharing (15) potential jobs that will soon be extinct due to artificial intelligence taking dominance.
He constantly gives insight, by sharing information to how he established his radio station venture Massiv Metro, built his MoFaya energy drink and also his pastime for education and training young entrepreneurs through his Leadership 2020 initiative.
Now, he urges people to start making plans for the future by devising strategies that will aid them to prevent them from being unemployed.
Check out the thread below and learn all the 15 jobs that will soon be extinct. And take time to contemplate on how you can attempt to prohibit the same fate from taking place in your life while you still have time.
Written by: Aphiwe Theodorah Mvinjelwa