Music News

Download: Billy Monama – Rebounce Album

Download: Billy Monama – Rebounce Album. Jazz guitarits Billy Monama has finally dropped his 12-track debut album after years of compiling it .

Like most musicians who try to break into the industry independently, Billy has had some financial issues that caused him to release his album at the age of 32 when he planned to drop it more than 5 years ago. The delay of the relelse of an album doesn’t mean he was sitting around waiting for a miracle, he has been perfoming in and out of South Africa.

“I started recording the album in 2009. But being an independent artist is not easy, it’s costly. I had a financial setback and could not continue with the project. In between that, I had many other things going on including building the Grazroots Project and performing internationally,” said Billy.

In 2013 the jazz artits went through yet another painful experience when his mother died in a car crash while he was performing at Macufe in Bloemfontein, Free State. “I came back immediately to get on with funeral arrangements while I was juggling rehearsals and preparations for a show at Pretoria’s State Theatre,” he said.

As if one can nevr have enough bad expereinces, Monama had a break into his which compelled him to start everything from the beggining included the album. “Then the following year I had a break-in at my house and everything was stolen … I had to start life from scratch, even the album. I wrote new songs based on all these unfortunate incidents and re-recorded everything,” he added.

Rebounce speaks of all of his horrendous experiences as he calls it an autobiography in a song. He produced the album himself and made collabs with some big name in the music industry such as Ghanian vocalist Gatobona Aghbodohu, percussionist Tlale Makhene, saxophonists Linda Sikhakhane and Mthunzi Mvubu.

CD’s will be available at the end of the month.

To Download The Album Follow The Link Below:



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