USA Band Decoda’s Life Changing Visit To South Africa

When most musicians tour it is usually for performances and exploring the place they are in, Decoda musical collection from New York City is currently touring South Africa for none other than a good cause. While performing they are bringing change to the country by helping other people musically. They are now in Western cape after a long tour to Gauteng, KwaZulu Natal and Free state.
They have performed in various music organisations for a range of concerts, workshops and interactive performances throughout June.
They are currently at Stellenbosch University launching the Decoda Institute South Africa (DISA) Residency in collaboration with the Stellenbosch International Chamber Music Festival. Decoda Institute South Africa also hosted a Creative Performance at Youngblood Gallery in Cape Town. Thursday they will be at the Hugo Lambrechts Music Centre in Parow, CPT for a teaching and performance residency.
Director of the group Austin Smith said that they looking to bring meaningful experience in music “Decoda’s mission is to bring meaningful musical experiences to as many people as possible regardless of circumstance. So the idea is that we have approximately 30 highly trained, highly experienced professional chamber musicians who are first and foremost performers but are also all really unique advocates for the art form that we spread. So what that means is that the ensemble takes just as seriously any performance in a community centre, shelter, hospital, prison or school as we do our performances on the main stage in a traditional concert hall.”
Smith also went to explains how his observation in some amazing community projects during the Durban leg of the tour and how his desire is to add a bit of spark and inspiration to increase their engagement in music making. The band is not only here for perfomsnces but to bring change in music whichever way they can.